I have a love hate relationship with cutting the grass. In NC, grass cutting season is pretty hot. It takes a bit of time with the size of our yard. It’s loud. You’re sweaty and not so comfortable at the end. It’s semi-necessary until we implement a different model for our yard. But it isn’t all bad.

In Jupiter’s Legacy, the Utopian, a superhero, notes “I like washing the dishes. It occupies the hands; lets the mind wander.” This is the love part of the grass cutting ritual for me. It is a great opportunity to let your mind chase little bits and pieces of different thoughts.

A good mind wandering activity has several qualities:

  • It’s obligatory - you don’t feel bad for doing it.
  • It requires a some cognitive attention - you’re not solely elsewhere.
  • It is a rote task - you don’t have to think explicitly about what you’re doing.
  • No one bothers you - you can’t hear them unless they’re right next to you anyway.

Fall weather will be here soon enough. The grass will stop growing, and my 2 hours of mind wandering time will disappear. Now that I work from home, the prime commuting time is gone. I wonder what mind wandering activity I’ll find in the colder weather.